What is a petition?

A petition is a request addressed to the Chamber of Deputies. Any person registered in the National Register of Natural Persons (RNPP) who is at least 15 years old may submit a petition. There are two types of petition: public petitions and ordinary petitions.

Ordinary petition

To qualify as a petitioner, you must:

  • be at least 15 years old.
  • have a national identification number (‘matricule’) (CNS/social security number).

To submit your petition online, you must use a tool that is compatible with eAccess.


Connection using a LuxTrust product (card, signing stick) or an eID card


Connection using a mobile device and the GouvID application


Connection with a digital identity from another European country

If you do not have an eAccess tool, you can send your filled in form by postal mail with prior authentication of signature or submit your petition in person at the Chamber of Deputies (an appointment must be made in advance).

What are the steps of an ordinary petition?

Please note that an ordinary petition does not allow you to collect signatures on this site and obtain a debate in the Chamber of Deputies.

Submit an ordinary petition

You can submit your ordinary petition online directly on this website , send it by email or post, or hand it in person to the President of the Chamber of Deputies (an appointment must be made in advance).

Wait for the decision on admissibility

The Petitions Committee examines whether your petition meets all the criteria.

Track the progress of your petition

In the event of a favourable decision, the Petitions Committee may, in particular, decide to

  • request a statement of position from the competent minister
  • refer the petition to a parliamentary committee responsible for the subject at hand
  • hear the petitions at one of its meetings, if appropriate in presence of experts or the concerned bodies
  • carry out site visits
  • order any other actions it deems useful.

The petitioner is informed of the Petitions Committee’s actions.

Receive the answer

Your will be informed of the response to your request and may react to it.

Submit an ordinary petition