What is a petition?

A petition is a request addressed to the Chamber of Deputies. Any person registered in the National Register of Natural Persons (RNPP) who is at least 15 years old may submit a petition. There are two types of petition: public petitions and ordinary petitions.


Your petition must:

  • Be written in at least one of the 3 administrative languages: Luxembourgish, French or German.
  • be national in scope, i.e. of interest to the country as a whole.
  • be of public interest.

The various petitions

Public petition

The public petition is published on the Petitions website with the aim of collecting signatures in support of the demand expressed.

You have 42 days to collect signatures. If you get at least 5500 signatures, a public debate on your petition will be organised in Parliament.

Ordinary petition

The purpose of an ordinary petition is to address a request to the Petitions Committee. It is not intended to collect signatures or to give rise to a public debate.

After examination, your petition may be forwarded to the relevant Minister or referred to a parliamentary committee.