Public n°1388

Petitioner: Ana Pinto

Combattre plus effectivement avec des moyens concrets la violence conjugale

Purpose of the petition

Protéger les victimes contre la violence conjugale

Reasons for the petition

Éviter les meurtres et tout genre de violence par conjoints ou ex-conjoints Réfléchir sur de nouvelles lois et mesures pour faciliter la protection de toute personne concernée par les violences conjugales (femmes, hommes, enfants)

This public petition did not reach the threshold of 4. 500 signatures. At the request of the petitioner, the public petition was transformed into an ordinary petition. Show ordinary petition.
ended  08.11.2019
1616 /4.500
registered signatures

The steps of this petition

Icon process

Reclassification of the public petition, not having reached the threshold of 4500 signatures, into an ordinary petition n°1388, on 04-12-2019


Request concerning the continuation of the petition as an ordinary petition


Validated paper signatures: 9


The threshold of 4500 signatures is not reached for the public petition n°1388, on 13-11-02019 - Number of signatures after validation: 1616


Validated electronic signatures: 1607


The period for signing the public petition n°. 1388 is closed on 08-11-2019 - Number of electronic signatures before validation: 1607


The public petition n°1388 is open for signature, on 27-09-2019


Statement of admissibility


The public petition n°1388 is declared admissible by the Conference of Presidents on 25-09-2019

Admissibility: admissible

Start date of the signature period: 27-09-2019 at 0:00 a.m.

End date of the signature period: 08-11-2019 at 11:59 p.m.


The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion positive regarding the public petition n° 1388, on 25-09-2019

Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: positive


The petition public n°1388 is submitted the 11-09-2019

Title of the petition: Combattre plus effectivement avec des moyens concrets la violence conjugale

Aim of the petition: Protéger les victimes contre la violence conjugale

Motivation of the general interest of the petition: Éviter les meurtres et tout genre de violence par conjoints ou ex-conjoints

Réfléchir sur de nouvelles lois et mesures pour faciliter la protection de toute personne concernée par les violences conjugales (femmes, hommes, enfants)