Public n°551

Petitioner: jeff lorenz

Matdeele vun de Chantercher op eise Stroossen 3 Deeg am Viraus

Purpose of the petition

Moien. Ech wolt froen, ob et net méiglech ass, dass Chantercher op eisen Stroossen, haaptsächlech awer op den Autobunnen 3 Deeg am Viraus an den Zeitungen an och um Internet ugekënnegt ginn, esou dass een am Viraus weess, wou et kint stauen an ee sech kann anecht arrangéire fir mat Zäit op ... more

Reasons for the petition

Dass ee weess, wou ee fiirt an da kann den Stau evitéieren.

ended  13.11.2015
29 /4.500
registered signatures

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The steps of this petition

Icon process

The public petition n°551 is closed on 21-12-2015


Request concerning the continuation of the petition as an ordinary petition


Validated electronic signatures: 29


The threshold of 4500 signatures is not reached for the public petition n°551, on 16-11-02015 - Number of signatures after validation: 29


Validated paper signatures: 0

Number of paper signature(s): 0


The period for signing the public petition n°. 551 is closed on 14-11-2015 - Number of electronic signatures before validation: 31


The public petition n°551 is open for signature, on 02-10-2015


Statement of admissibility


The public petition n°551 is declared admissible by the Conference of Presidents on 30-09-2015

Admissibility: admissible

Start date of the signature period: 02-10-2015 at 0:00 a.m.

End date of the signature period: 13-11-2015 at 11:59 p.m.


The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion positive regarding the public petition n° 551, on 23-09-2015

Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: positive


The petition public n°551 is submitted the 23-09-2015

Title of the petition: Matdeele vun de Chantercher op eise Stroossen 3 Deeg am Viraus

Aim of the petition: Moien. Ech wolt froen, ob et net méiglech ass, dass Chantercher op eisen Stroossen, haaptsächlech awer op den Autobunnen 3 Deeg am Viraus an den Zeitungen an och um Internet ugekënnegt ginn, esou dass een am Viraus weess, wou et kint stauen an ee sech kann anecht arrangéire fir mat Zäit op senger Plaz unzekommen. Merci am viraus.


Motivation of the general interest of the petition: Dass ee weess, wou ee fiirt an da kann den Stau evitéieren.


