Ordinary n°475

Petitioner: Nora Schleich

Géint Feierwierkskierper a Knupperten zu Sylvester!

Purpose of the petition

Mat dëser Pétitioun erhoffen ech mer et ze ereechen, dat en legislativt, konsequent Verbued ausgeschwat gett géint de Verkaf an d'Ooffeieren vun Knupperten, Rakeiten, an ähnlechen Feierwierkskierperen un a vun private Persounen oder Organisatiounen. Et ass all Joërs grausam, wéivill Déieren ... more

This public petition did not reach the threshold of 4. 500 signatures. At the request of the petitioner, the public petition was transformed into an ordinary petition. Show public petition.

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The steps of this petition

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The ordinary petition n°475 is closed on 28-09-2015

Reason for closure: Déclaration de clôture


Transmission of the government position paper and request for closure


A position statement regarding the ordinary petition n°475 is available on 24-06-2015

Minister(s) : Monsieur Dan Kersch, Ministre de l'Intérieur


A position statement is requested on the ordinary petition n°475, on 27-04-2015

Minister(s) : Monsieur Dan Kersch, Ministre de l'Intérieur


Reclassification of the public petition n°475, not having reached the threshold of 4500 signatures, into an ordinary petition, on 22-04-2015