Ordinary n°439

Petitioner: Jean Victor Pierre Krier

Eng 100% ofgeséchert, fair, transparent & éierlech, «Kandidate Wal» per Internet a keng regruppéiert «Parteie Wal» pro Wahlbüro

Purpose of the petition

An dat Ganzt selbstverständlech fir ganz Land, an net 100% Ondemokratesch wéi dat bis elo zou Lëtzebuerg ëmmer de Fall wor, pro Wahlbezierk. Schliisslech representéiert de Kandidat jo ganz Land, wann hien bei der Wal vum Vollek an Spëtz vun der Chamber & Regierung gewielt gëtt – an net nëmme ... more

This public petition did not reach the threshold of 4. 500 signatures. At the request of the petitioner, the public petition was transformed into an ordinary petition. Show public petition.

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The ordinary petition n°439 is declared inadmissible by the Committee on Petitions, on 27-10-2014

Admissibility: inadmissible


Transformation of public petition n°439, declared inadmissible by the Conference of Presidents, into an ordinary petition, on 23-10-2014