Oofschaafen vum Chèque service fier Leit dei net schaffen - Petitions
Oofschaafen vum Chèque service fier Leit dei net schaffen
Public petition n°3530
Petitioner: Jessica Hartz
Purpose of the petition
Vill Leit dei net schaffen gin hier Kanner vun moies bis owes an eng Crèche/Foyer oder Maison de Relais, obwuel se selwer Zäit hätten sech ëm hier Kanner ze këmmeren. Et gett fir sie duerch den chèque service mei belleg se oofzegin wei selwer no hinnen ze kucken.
Reason for the petition
Dei Kanner wou vun moies bis owes kommen, fir dei sin et laamg Deeg bei friemen Leit, obwuel se kéinten beo hierer Famill keinten sin.
Signatures collection ongoing
The 4500 threshold represents the number of signatures required to give rise to a public debate.
Registered signatures
248 / 4 500
Key information
Signature collection
Submission date
Opening of the signature collection
Additional information
Petition background
Petition signatories
The period for signing the public petition n° 3530 is extended until 11-04-2025, on 15-03-2025
Statement of admissibility
The public petition n°3530 was declared admissible by the Committee on Petitions on 27-02-2025
The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion positive regarding the public petition n° 3530, on 26-02-2025
The petition public n°3530 is submitted the 17-01-2025