Public n°3499
Petitioner: Nancy Glangé
TROUNWIESSEL feieren mam vollek
The steps of this petition
The public petition n°3499 is declared inadmissible by the Conference of Presidents on 16-01-2025
Admissibility: inadmissible
Motivation : Dës Petitiounsufro ass an engem ze vill familiäre Vokabulär a Toun geschriwwen. Dës Petitiounsufro ass dofir irrecevabel, mee kéint no enger Ëmformuléierung frësch agereecht ginn.
The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion negative regarding the public petition n° 3499, on 15-01-2025
Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: negative
The petition public n°3499 is submitted the 31-12-2024
Title of the petition: TROUNWIESSEL feieren mam vollek