Public n°3159

Petitioner: David Bertin

Verbuet Velo op da Stross zefueren wann eng Velo's Pist niewend drun as


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Statement of inadmissibility


The public petition n°3159 is declared inadmissible by the Conference of Presidents on 15-05-2024

Admissibility: inadmissible

Motivation : D’Revendicatioun vun dëser Petitiounsufro ass net néideg. Laut dem Code de la route mussen d’Cyclisten elo schonn eng Vëlospist benotzen, wann et eng gëtt.


The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion negative regarding the public petition n° 3159, on 15-05-2024

Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: negative


The petition public n°3159 is submitted the 05-05-2024

Title of the petition: Verbuet Velo op da Stross zefueren wann eng Velo's Pist niewend drun as