Public n°2542
Petitioner: Diana Stiegler
Bezuelte Stage fir Studenten/ Bezahltes Praktikum für Studenten/ Stage rémunéré pour les étudiants/ Paid internship for students/ Estágio remunerado para estudantes/ Stage retribuito per studenti
The steps of this petition
The public petition n°2542 is declared inadmissible by the Conference of Presidents on 13-03-2023
Admissibility: inadmissible
Motivation : Demande de reformulation restée sans suite
The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion negative regarding the public petition n° 2542, on 02-03-2023
Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: negative
The petition public n°2542 is submitted the 30-11-2022
Title of the petition: Bezuelte Stage fir Studenten/
Bezahltes Praktikum für Studenten/
Stage rémunéré pour les étudiants/
Paid internship for students/
Estágio remunerado para estudantes/
Stage retribuito per studenti