Public n°2117
Petitioner: André Flammang
Fir de gesonde Mënscheverstand, fir e séchert Lëtzebuerg
The steps of this petition
The public petition n°2117 is declared inadmissible by the Conference of Presidents on 09-12-2021
Admissibility: inadmissible
Motivation : La demande de pétition publique 2117 est refusée en raison de son caractère discriminatoire et de ses formulations intolérables.
The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion negative regarding the public petition n° 2117, on 08-12-2021
Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: negative
The petition public n°2117 is submitted the 19-11-2021
Title of the petition: Fir de gesonde Mënscheverstand, fir e séchert Lëtzebuerg