Public n°2028
Petitioner: Edmond Fries
Pétition contre le port du masque obligatoire (COVID-19)
The steps of this petition
The public petition n°2028 is declared inadmissible by the Conference of Presidents on 21-10-2021
Admissibility: inadmissible
Motivation : La demande de pétition publique 2028 est irrecevable, car elle revendique une disposition qui existe déjà. Partant, la demande est superfétatoire.
The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion negative regarding the public petition n° 2028, on 20-10-2021
Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: negative
The petition public n°2028 is submitted the 29-09-2021
Title of the petition: Pétition contre le port du masque obligatoire (COVID-19)