Public n°1130

Petitioner: Sandie Spranck

Fir dass d'Leit am Privatsecteur nët benodeelegt ginn wat d'Congés Deeg ubelaangt


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The public petition n°1130 is declared inadmissible by the Conference of Presidents on 17-12-2018

Admissibility: inadmissible

Motivation : courriel du 30.10.2018 resté sans suite


The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion negative regarding the public petition n° 1130, on 13-12-2018

Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: negative


The petition public n°1130 is submitted the 19-10-2018

Title of the petition: Fir dass d'Leit am Privatsecteur nët benodeelegt ginn wat d'Congés Deeg ubelaangt