Ordinary n°408

Petitioner: Max Fleischhauer

Fir e verbesserten ëffentlechen Transport owes

Purpose of the petition

Den ëffentlechen Transport Owes ass onregelméisseg an bréng laang Waardezäiten oder souguer guer keng Unschless méi mat sech. Grad Leit déi bis oder vun Owes un schaffen géifen Profitéieren wann si Owes méi Busser kreischten, an villäicht souguer op den Auto verzichten wat der Ëmwelt zougudd kennt. D Petitioun soll hëllefen e Regelméissegen ëffentlechen Transport un min. 18 Stonnen vun 24 am Daach garantéieren.

This public petition did not reach the threshold of 4. 500 signatures. At the request of the petitioner, the public petition was transformed into an ordinary petition. Show public petition.

The steps of this petition

Icon process

The ordinary petition n°408 is closed on 12-05-2015


Transmission of the government position paper and request for closure


A position statement regarding the ordinary petition n°408 is available on 04-02-2015

Minister(s) : Monsieur François Bausch, Ministre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures

Minutes of the meeting Minutes of the meeting

Reminder letter


Information to the petitioner on the reclassification of his public petition into an ordinary petition


A position statement is requested on the ordinary petition n°408, on 06-10-2014

Minister(s) : Monsieur François Bausch, Ministre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures


Transformation of the public petition n°408 not having reached the signature threshold