Ëffentlech n°3023

Petitionnär/in: Halid Karajbic

- Unerkennung vum palestinensesche Staat - - Reconnaissance de l'État palestinien - - Recognition of the Palestinian state - - Anerkennung des palästinensischen Staates -

Zil vun der Petitioun

The goal is that Luxembourg recognizes the Palestinian state. Out of the 27 countries in the EU, 9 have already acknowledged the State of Palestine. As of June 2023, 139 out of 193 UN member states had acknowledged the State of Palestine. Luxembourg's recognition of Palestine is a symbolic ... méi

Motivatioun vun der Petitioun

It has been demonstrated over the years that waiting for Israel to recognize Palestine is a naive dream at best. Israel has not hesitated to construct additional illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. They have also shown no restraint in their blockade on Gaza, which has led to a lot ... méi

ofgelaf  25.03.2024
5315 /4.500
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Petitioun deelen

All Ënnerschrëften

Jaime Prieto Ruiz, Howald

Lejla Sabotic, Mondercange

Cindy OliveirA, Differdange

Nic Nickels, Esch-sur-Alzette

Francisca Pires, Consdorf

Scherhag Christoph, Habscht

Leila Marques, differdange

Chiara Crosio, Strassen

Allal Boussata, Luxembourg

Dzenisa Muratovic, Diddeleng

Sanela Sabotic, Dudelange

Isabela Feenandes Vasconcellos Pereir, Luxembourg

Christine Klauner, Dudelange

Jean Marie Leon ASSELBORN, Steinfort

Folschette Rebecca, Heisdorf

Emma O'Hara, Luxembourg

Chakib Senhadji, Weiler-la-Tour

Michèle Schmit, Weiler-la-Tour

Soufiane Harti, Esch Sur zette

Leila Dernouss, Sanem